Do you ever have difficulty with your cash flow? Do you invoice your customers and give them time to pay? Accounts receivable financing from KASHER Capital could be the answer. We give you money now for your receivables. That means that you can make investments in your growth instead of spending time and effort collecting.
How It Works
When financing receivables, we purchase your invoices from you at a slight discount. You get cash now that you can spend on buying supplies, bringing in new customers, making payroll or any other expense. We then collect the owed amount from your customer. The decision is based on your customers’ credit. Therefore, you can get funding even if you have a poor credit history.
The Benefits of Financing Receivables
At KASHER Capital, our goal is to help you get the funds you need to succeed. These are some of the benefits of this program:
Funds in your account quickly
Options for almost any business type
Non recourse available
No repayment schedules
Funds for large or unexpected orders
Funding increases with your sales
Funding amounts as little as $25,000 – $10,000,000
Contact Us
Learn more about whether accounts receivable financing from KASHER Capital is right for your business. Contact us today to speak with a representative and get started.
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