Offer Your Customers More Ways To Pay With Consumer Finance
One of the keys to running a successful business is to ensure that your customers can pay more easily. KASHER Capital offers consumer finance programs that help small, medium and large businesses extend credit to their customers. With this option, your customers can buy more and pay for their goods and services more conveniently.
Grow your brand awareness
Foster a loyal customer base
Provide various options for paying
Encourage repeat business
Help Your Customers Pay More Easily
Offer your customers credit, so that they can pay at their own convenience. These are some of the advantages of this program for them:
Quick and easy applications
The convenience of paying over time
Dependable services
Simplified budgeting
Grow Your Business
This program also helps your business. We offer strong credit limits, excellent support and useful services. We can turnaround applications quickly and provide more consistent approvals compared to similar programs. We also help with training, collecting debt, program startup and e-signature. This is the better way to get your business’ consumer finance program started.
Learn More
Discover the benefits of offering your customers a more flexible way to pay. Contact KASHER Capital today to speak with a representative and learn more about how this program could work at your business.